About Me

Accomplished and results oriented professional with experience in developing strategies for areas including operations, program development, and continuous improvement projects. Excellent communicator and team collaborator skilled at taking complex situations and simplifying them through the introduction of new technologies that cut costs while increasing productivity and effectiveness. Thrives in ambiguous environments, adept at time management and task prioritization capabilities with a focus on building long-term relationships with clients, volunteers, and employees. Excellent reputation for resolving problems and improving customer satisfaction.


▪ Leadership & Inspiration ▪ Client Relations ▪ Customer Satisfaction ▪ Team Development ▪ Recruitment & Supervision ▪ Problem Solving ▪ Community Outreach


▪ Designed and executed plan to utilize hundreds of volunteers to provide 3.1 million meals to 44,000 families during the COVID-19 crisis (2020).
▪ Expanded Mariners Thrift Store from $24,000/year in sales (2014) and 30 volunteers into $725,000/year in sales (2019) and 900 volunteers in addition to special events that had over 4,500 volunteers per year.
▪ Created, led, and continued to improve incoming donation processes for in-kind donations. Approximately 7 tons accepted each week of food, clothing, home goods, furniture, etc. .


"Out of Office" is a full-stack application designed for users to read about and share travel experiences.The goal of this project was to develop a full-stack application that showcases the skills we've developed over the course of this Coding Bootcamp. It uses Node.js and Express.js to create a RESTful API, Handlebars.js as the template engine, MySQL and the Sequelize ORM for the database, and GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data. The folder structure follows the MVC paradigm and the application protects sensitive information with environment variables. The application also uses express-sessions and cookies for user authentication.

This site was (proudly!) built completely from scratch, then deployed to Heroku. It was carefully crafted to create a pleasant user experience and is both desktop and mobile friendly. A link to the deployed application can be found below.

Deployed GitHub README
Foodster project image.

There are days when we have limited time and even less patience, and the last decision you want to make is the dreaded, "What should we have for dinner?" This application helps resolve this issue by simplifying the process and the final decision making. With just a few swipes left or right, we can narrow down our choices that fit our tastes in that very moment.

Process of Development

  1. Created HTML, CSS, JS files, and linked them to out index file.
  2. Researched and linked various API's: Bootstrap, jQuery, Google Fonts.
  3. Researched API's to obtain information on local restaurants through the Yelp API.
  4. Added functions to get the location of the user's browser.
  5. Created available tags to search bar for auto-fill and streamline functionality.
  6. Added profile button and created a modal for out input.
  7. Added local storage for user profile.
  8. Inserted addEventListeners to all buttons, and linked our git fetch functions.
  9. CSS styling issues - visual, functional.
Deployed GitHub
eCommerce project

Internet retail, also known as e-commerce, is the largest sector of the electronics industry, generating an estimated $29 trillion in 2019. E-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce provide a suite of services to businesses of all sizes. Due to their prevalence, understanding the fundamental architecture of these platforms will benefit you as a full-stack web developer.

Deployed GitHub Video